Rob's Rest Area

A couple items from today’s show

A topic I shared on the show today asked this question: What would you tell soon-to-be-marrieds about marriage? These are the top responses on a recent internet poll.

• You’ll work harder than you ever imagined.
• You will sometimes go to bed mad (and maybe even wake up madder).
• You will go without sex — sometimes for a long time — and that’s okay.
• Getting your way is usually not as important as finding a way to work together.
• You’ll realize that you can only change yourself.

I think these responses make a lot of sense….if you know of anyone contemplating marriage, you might want to forward these words of wisdom.


Also, this was an interesting topic talked about concerning Halloween:

WHEN THE PUSH TO MOVE HALLOWEEN FAILED _ When we think of Halloween, the date of October 31 comes to mind. And when someone says “October 31,” we immediately think of Halloween. But five years ago (2018) the Halloween & Costume Association started a petition to move the holiday to the last Saturday of October. The group, also known as the Halloween Industry Association, stated on the petition: “It’s time for a Safer, Longer, Stress-Free Celebration! Let’s move Halloween to the last Saturday of October! … Why cram it into 2 rushed evening weekday hours when it deserves a full day!?!” The petition had a goal of 200,000 signatures, which is just some random number the PR department at the Halloween & Costume Association pulled out of thin air. Before the end of the year (in 2018), the Association posted an update saying that it had listened to the feedback and agreed that keeping Halloween on October 31 would be a good idea. But the organization also announced something called National Trick or Treat Day, which would be celebrated on the last Saturday of October.

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