Rob's Rest Area

Some words of wisdom for a Friday afternoon

I was looking around the internet (as I tend to do), and I found this list that really made a lot of sense to me. I wanted to share it with you and hope you find it as inspiring as I did.

• Frozen vegetables.
• Not washing your hair.
• Spending time alone.
• Doing literally nothing to decompress.
• Crying.
• Potatoes.
• Admitting when you don’t know something.
• Silence.
• Maintaining work boundaries.

And while I am on the topic of inspirational advice, how about these words of wisdom?
WISE WORDS FOR A LONGER, HAPPIER MARRIAGE _ Men and women married for more than 20 years were asked for their best advice.
• Never go to sleep mad at each other. But also, never leave for work mad at each other. It can really ruin your day, and it’s not worth it. —Roger C., married 45 years
• Respect and a sense of humor are key. The sense of humor needs to kick in when the respect is temporarily wavering. —Bonnie W., married 35 years
• Accept that you can’t change someone. You have to learn to live with whatever annoys you, and remember that you have as many faults as your spouse does. —Russell S., married 40 years
• You have to be best friends, have mutual respect, trust, and be truly comfortable, not just complacent, with each other. —Marianne S., married 40 years
• Respect, honor, cherish, and nurture your partnership while supporting one another in the pursuit of personal dreams. —Lisa M., married 20 years

I want to remind you that I am always on the lookout for input from you. If you have something of interest to share (meetings, birthdays, community events and meetings, etc.) please feel free to send the information to me at [email protected].

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