Rob's Rest Area

So that’s a dealbreaker for you?

WOMEN REVEAL THEIR SOCIAL MEDIA DEALBREAKERS _A lot of folks are turning to the internet to find love, but for every Prince Charming, there are more than a fair share of frogs. I searched the internet for a few answers for the question: What did you find on his social media that made you say, “This guy’s not for me”?
“I found out that the guy I was dating had an unhealthy obsession with the female news anchors on TV stations — to the point where he would post photoshopped photos of them on his Facebook, putting their heads on superhero bodies like Wonder Woman, Bat Girl, or Cat Woman.”
“I had a guy randomly add me on Facebook. We had mutual friends in common, so I accepted… and then he messaged me saying, ‘I wish you were my sweat towel at the gym.’”
“When a guy likes every one of my posts, pictures, etc., it’s a dealbreaker for me. It just comes off as a huge sign of desperation.”
“Somebody who shares stupid things on Facebook without fact checking”
“If they don’t like dogs. I don’t currently own a dog but I just don’t think I could be with someone who doesn’t like them. It’s petty I know, but I can’t get past it.”

As some of you might have guessed, Edwards is not my given name. It is what we call a “radio name”. No real nefarious reason why we do it, it is mostly a privacy thing, but it has been going on for so long, it is just a given in our profession. The same can be said for the big shot variety folks. Here is a list of a few celebrities that have ….CHANGED THEIR NAMES FOR FAME
Melissa Vivianne Jefferson… better known as Lizzo
Jonah Hill Feldstein… better known as Jonah Hill
Emily Jean Stone… better known as Emma Stone
Onika Tanya Maraj-Petty… better known as Nicki Minaj
Reginald Kenneth Dwight… better known as Elton John
Mark Vincent… better known as Vin Diesel
Peter Gene Hernandez… better known as Bruno Mars
Neta-Lee Hershlag… better known as Natalie Portman
Demetria Gene Guynes… better known as Demi Moore
Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta… better known as Lady GaGa

And on a sad note, My dearest friends let me hang out with their dog on several occasions. Miles and I got on like a house afire. Mostly because we were both getting along in years, and old fogies like us tend to understand each other. Sadly, Miles crossed the Rainbow Bridge a few days ago. I am really going to miss that old duffer. My love goes out to his “parents”, and I am so glad that the last time he stopped by for a visit (about 2 weeks ago), I had the good sense to have a photo taken of us. So long buddy.


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