Rob's Rest Area

Happy Easter, Everybunny !

A very happy Easter weekend to you all! I hope that you will be able to spend some time with family and friends this holiday! Here are a few holiday tidbits to use as conversation starters around the table:

  1. Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the Christian religion.
  2. Eggs have been seen as ancient symbol of fertility, while springtime is considered to bring new life and rebirth.
  3. Americans spend $1.9 billion on Easter candy. That’s the second biggest candy holiday after Halloween.
  4. 70% of Easter candy purchased is chocolate.
  5. 76% of Americans think the ears of a chocolate bunny should be the first to be eaten.
  6. Egg dyes were once made out of natural items such as onion peels, tree bark, flower petals, and juices.
  7. There’s much debate about the practice of dyeing chicks. Many hatcheries no longer participate, but others say that it isn’t dangerous to the chick’s health because the dye only lasts until the chicks shed their fluff and grow their feathers.
  8. The first story of a rabbit (later named the “Easter Bunny”) hiding eggs in a garden was published in 1680.
  9. Easter takes place on a Sunday, after the 40-day period called Lent. Lent is referred to as a time of fasting, but participants focus more on giving up one significant indulgence.
  10. Holy Week is the celebrated during the week leading up to Easter. It begins on Palm Sunday, continues on to Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and then finally, Easter Sunday.
  11. “The White House Easter Egg Roll” event has been celebrated by the President of the United States and their families since 1878.

One holiday tradition that I loved about Easter was the Easter sunrise service at my church. I am not usually an early riser, but it just seemed natural to spend time with my church family first thing on a beautiful Easter Sunday. Then, after the service, we would all get together to enjoy the best breakfast around. Plenty of varieties of egg casseroles, pastries and enough coffee to float the ark. Then, we would get back together for the traditional service at about 9am, when the later risers would stop in for the service. Then, once we got home to Mom’s place, the kids would have an Easter egg hunt, and tear into the baskets that the Easter bunny had dropped off while we were at church. Lunch was the traditional ham with all of the trimmings. And best off, the bunny always managed to get me a solid milk chocolate treat of my own! Those days are gone now, but I am so glad that we were able to be together and make those wonderful memories.

• You’ve finally figured out how to start the snow blower on the first try.
• Your growing beer belly blocks the view of your feet, making it hard to put on flip-flops.
• You’ve discovered you don’t need to play softball as an excuse to drink beer.
• You haven’t taken down the Christmas tree yet.
• Who needs spring when you’ve rigged up a hammock in your living room?

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