Rob's Rest Area

Check out THIS Santa !

A listener sent me this photo of a beautiful light display on East 1st Street in Independence. I had to go check it out in person, and it is even more impressive than the photograph!

If you would like to show us your holiday lighting display, or know of one in your area that you would like to share, email the photo and location to me at . I will post it here for everyone to enjoy!

As heard on the show today:

• Ohio: A man was ordered to scoop manure at a fair for knocking over a porta-potty.
• Ohio: A woman could choose between 30 days in jail or walking 30 miles after not paying for a cab ride.
• Michigan: A motorist was forbidden from using a cellphone for two years after causing a major accident.
• Montana: A man had to write “Boys do not hit girls” 5,000 times as part of his sentence for assault.
• Texas: A couple had to display a sign admitting their theft and stand at an intersection with a sign for six years.

Just in time for holiday travel, I found this interesting item:

TRAVELING IS SO HORRIBLE THAT MANY FEAR THEY’RE ‘CURSED’ _ One in seven Americans fears they have a “travel curse”. It turns out that, once cursed, people can’t seem to shake off the feeling. In fact, of the one in seven who feel that they have a travel curse, 73 percent feel they are forever cursed in this way. The average American experiences 240 stressful travel moments in a lifetime, including flat tires, lost luggage, canceled flights, lost hotel reservations, and bad turbulence.

QUICK JOKE _ A man walks into a bar and says, “Excuse me, I’d like a pint of beer.” The bartender serves the drink and says, “That’ll be four dollars.” The customer pulls out a twenty-dollar bill and hands it to the bartender. “Sorry, sir,” the bartender says, “but I can’t accept that.” The man pulls out a ten-dollar bill and the bartender rejects his money again. “What’s going on here?” the man asks. Pointing to a neon sign, the bartender explains, “This is a Singles Bar.”

Don’t forget to let me know your favorite locally owned small business. Email me at , and I will share your favorites right here for everyone to discover.

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