Rob's Rest Area

Who wants pancakes ?

Today on the program, we were talking about the best way to make pancakes. One trick to better pancakes, according to Chef Steve Smith, comes down to two words: room temperature. Chef Steve points out the key lies in the batter, and making sure all the ingredients are at room temperature before they’re added. And after the batter’s made you should then let it rest for at least five minutes — something many of us don’t do. This gives the batter time to relax and for all the lumps to smooth out naturally, giving the pancakes a nice, thick consistency, which in turn means they’ll be nice and fluffy. I reminisced that when my dad made pancakes, he added 7up to the batter, and it made the pancakes fluffier. Mom would enjoy hers with a little sugar and some milk poured over the cakes. Now, I would love to hear your favorite way to enjoy pancakes, special ingredients, or even when you like to have a stack: Breakfast, or possibly Supper. You know the drill, leave your answers on our Facebook page , or email me at [email protected].

BRAIN TEASER _ Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday? (answer at the bottom)

Did you know that the only two days of the year in which there are no professional sports games — MLB, NBA, NHL, or NFL — are when? The day before and the day after the Baseball All-Star Game. These days are known for the absence of games because the MLB players need to travel to and from the All-Star Game venue, and the other major sports leagues are usually out of season during this time.

• “A resident told me she’d heard labor feels like a watermelon on fire coming out of your vagina.”
• “The labor nurse took one look at me when I arrived and said to the midwife, ‘We’re going to be here a long time with this one.’”
• “Your uterus is lazy.”
• “While I was pushing the nurse told me not to get blood on her brand-new scrubs.”
• “I was told to stop moaning so loud because I was disturbing other patients.”
• “Your cervix is in Alaska.”

FACE TO FACE TIME HAS FALLEN _ The average amount of time that American men spent socializing face to face has fallen 30 percent from 2003 to 2022, and among teens that’s fallen over 45 percent. That’s happened at the same time that people of all ages are citing increased levels of loneliness and other symptoms of anxiety and depression. Many have simply replaced face time with people with face time with animals: Over that same time period, the average woman who owned a pet went from spending more time socializing with people in 2003 to more time spent engaged with their pet by 2022.

(Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow)

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