Rob's Rest Area

Phobias, Hiccup Cures and Killer Quotes (oh my)

WHAT’S A STRANGE PHOBIA YOU HAVE? _ A friend of mine confessed on her Facebook that her phobia is multiple mirror fitting rooms! Then her friends commented with their strange phobias.
• I get panicked and terrified around skyscrapers.
• I have a phobia of touching cotton balls; the texture just sends shivers down my spine.
• I’m scared of using blenders. The noise and the fast-moving blades make me anxious.
• I hate drain and holes inside a pool. And I’m a swimmer.
Me personally? I have a thing about crowds. I get really “twitchy” when I feel surrounded. What about you? If you have a phobia you would like to share, put it in the comments on our Facebook page.

BEST CURE FOR THE HICCUPS _  I googled hiccup cures and this one claims to be the only one that works 100 percent of the time:
1. Pour a tall glass of water.
2. Hold your breath.
3. Pinch your nose closed.
4. Slowly take 15 to 20 swallows of the water while holding your breath with your nose pinched closed.
5. When you can’t stand it any more (you’ll know by that scary drowning sensation) take a deep breath and relax.

OBVIOUS: PEOPLE WHO ARE TREATED FAIRLY ARE HAPPIER _ Did you know that the human brain responds to being treated fairly in exactly the same way as it responds to winning money and eating your favorite food? Researchers conducted brain imaging experiments to arrive at this conclusion. They found out that when a person is treated fairly, the area in the brain that is tied to happiness gets activated. For many people, being treated fairly is more important than monetary reward and those who are treated fairly tend to be happier.

KILLER QUOTES _ These are too good for the side of a coffee mug.
• There is no intrinsic meaning to life. That’s not the same thing as saying life is meaningless. You have to find your project. You have to find out what gets you up in the morning, what’s your purpose in life. You have to give your life meaning. — Robert McKee
• Don’t walk through the world looking for evidence that you don’t belong because you will always find it. — Brené Brown
• Don’t be afraid to be seen trying. — Unknown


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