Local NewsNews

Black Hawk Hotel Celebrates 170 Years

Oldest Business in Cedar Falls Feted

The oldest business in downtown Cedar Falls will mark its 170th birthday today (Thursday) with a gala open house style celebration.  The Black Hawk Hotel, a 28-room boutique hotel, is also the second longest continuously operating hotel in the country.  It was acquired by Eagle View Hospitality five years ago. This is owner and operator Mark Kittrell.

Kittrell says there was a time not long ago where the hotel, like the downtown, ran through a rough period. 

He says today the hotel enjoys good business and is a very unique place.

The event in downtown Cedar Falls will run from 5 until 7 tonight and will feature tours of the historic hotel.

Scott Fenzloff

Scott has been with Coloff Media since 1995, and on the air in the Cedar Valley since 1989. You can catch Scott 6-10AM Mon-Fri on Cruisin KCFI, along with news updates at noon and 5PM.
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