Rob's Rest Area

Go on, take a chance

Today we celebrate “Take A Chance Day”. A time to muster up your courage and simply take a chance. The results just might be surprising. Once upon a time, a man asked me if I would be interested in helping him out by doing some work for him. He was kinda desperate at the time and really needed the assistance. Even though I had no training, and honestly no interest in the work he was offering, I took the chance and did it. Looking back on it, I’m glad I took the chance, because if I hadn’t, I would not have had the career I have enjoyed for over the past 30 years.  I want to post a few of my favorite quotes about chances, because a life without risk is not a full life.

The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks. – Mark Zuckerberg

Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave. – Mary Tyler Moore

Our lives improve only when we take chances – and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves. – Walter Anderson

I must learn to love the fool in me – the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries. – Theodore Isaac Rubin

Buy the ticket, take the ride. – Hunter S. Thompson


TRY A NEW MEAT _ Tired of the same old meats?
• Duck Salami: 6 ounces for approximately $29.99. This salami is noted for its rich flavor, ideal for charcuterie boards .
• Camel Patties: A 1-pound package of three patties typically costs around $25.99. These are made from ground camel meat and are known for their unique taste .
• Snapping Turtle Meat: Prices for boneless turtle meat range significantly; a 5-pound package can be found for about $299, reflecting the rarity and processing required.
• Llama Patties: A package of three 1-pound llama meat patties is available for approximately $19.95. Llama meat is lean and offers a mild flavor that’s somewhat similar to beef but with a distinct taste .
• Alligator Tail Steak Sirloin: A 5-pound package of alligator tail steak can cost about $137.50. This meat is often celebrated for its unique texture and flavor, resembling a cross between chicken and fish .

• “At the end of our dinner date, he pulled out his phone and showed me a photo of a woman wondering if I thought she was attractive. It was her dating profile. He said he was meeting her next and wasn’t sure if she was pretty enough.”
• “This comment came out of the blue on a date: ‘You’re not as pretty as I thought you were.’ My reply: ‘You’re not as tall as I thought you were.’”
• “I still can’t believe this happened. I was in college and went out with a friend who wanted more. He touched my fingertips with his, leaned in, and said, ‘You’ve got pretty fingernails. I’d like to rip them all off.’ I couldn’t get out fast enough.”

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